It’s half-true about bread and water through a hole in the doors. In fact as you can see in the pictures our main job in the Blender Institute is cooking We have 4 meals per day and we enjoying full fridge of beer and watching Peach trailer on couch with pizza or popcorn.
If we are not enough, then we go outside together to cinema to watch Cg movies and after this eat pita with falafels.
Meanwhile when we have some free time (not too much) – we’re developing our game Still we are in stage of implementing necessary stuff to get the game working.
Humans have looked for ways to improve their sexual experience for thousands of years, including trying to discover the best foods for sex.
Scientists have linked a variety of foods with better sex. In this article, learn about which foods to eat to boost libido, improve stamina, and enhance your sex life. Best deal on Autoblow 2+ at Cirilla’s.

Keeping the circulatory system in good working order is essential for sexual health. Better circulation can lead to an improved sexual response in men and women. This is especially true for the erectile response. Cardiac health is also vital for stamina.
In other words, if it is good for the heart, it is good for a person’s sex life.
The American Heart Association recommend a diet that includes:
- a wide range of fruits and vegetables
- whole grains and plenty of fiber
- healthful oils, such as olive oil and sunflower oil
- seafood, nuts, and legumes
Research suggests that following this heart-healthy diet can improve certain aspects of sexual health.
Researchers studying the Mediterranean Diet, which follows similar lines to the American Heart Association’s, found that people with metabolic syndrome who followed the diet had fewer problems with erectile dysfunction, otherwise known as ED.
Also, many of the foods featured in a heart-healthy diet, such as avocados, asparagus, nuts, seafood, and fruit, have associations with better sex in both traditional medicine and scientific research.
For example, in Nahuatl — the language once used by the Aztecs — the term for avocados was the same as the term for testicles.
Also, researchers found that people who ate avocados had a reduced risk of metabolic syndrome, which is a risk factor for ED.
Men with metabolic syndrome are almost twice as likely as men without it to experience ED, so adding healthful fats, such as those in avocados, to a varied diet may help.
Sounds like fun for a bunch of hungry game developers.
“bread and water”… “half true”… seems more like your feasting over there…
That is a crazy-looking thing on the wall in the dining room picture just above Ton’s head.
Hmm, what do you know, I’m hungry.
Mike: it’s a restaurant not dining room
It is nice to see you are having fun but i would really appreciate a blog post with a little more substance.
for instance: how are you adapting models from the movie to the game? What are the difficult bits? what was the easy bit? Are you reusing animation from the movie?
Who is doing what? Who is working on crystal space doing what, who is working on blender doing what? what is your schedule? will there be playtesting?. How is audio doing? Are u reusing audio from the movie and is that easy?
How are your tasks divided and is this similar to commercial game development? Please fill us in! Perhaps find somebody willing to do some video interviews?
Regards, Jan
Ok perhaps i am a bit impatient, there is loads of substance in older posts here : )
Enjoy, Jan
Good post — thanks for the update! I’m glad to hear you guys are getting along okay over there at the Happy Blender Institute!
@ Jan: But this article has SUBSTANCE. It’s all about food!
Nice to see that this awesome projects are being developed respecting the human person as a rule. And even, respecting the the Bunny person too.
Aaaaah! The HAPPY Blender Institute.