What can you do to make Happy Blender Institute much more happier ? You would order a cake for us ! 🙂 An Apricot cake. Today one person from Blender’s community surprised us with apricot and rise cakes ! Thanks a lot ! Really appreciate 🙂 What community can do for us except coffee machine and cakes and of course DVD-pre orders 🙂 ? Well.. we accepting also beer for example 😉
Hmm bazooka you say…
The cake is a lie!
not a lie at all! it was delicious 🙂
thanks to our bazooka friend somewhere in .nl, feel free to ask for a tour in the institute!, no.. no need to bring another pie.. well 😀
so will this mean the team will be working extra hard and showing us some developement or some eye candy
that’s piece of cake
So, if I got to the Blender Institute and say I gave you the cake, you’ll give me a free tour?
heh, heh, heh.
Cake is always the best option. 🙂
We’ll get you cake if you get us some cool videos and screenshots to look at. Don’t forget to update that friggin 2.46 RC4 because the blenderplayer.exe is acting a bit weird. I added all the files it needs to run by itself but it cries about a missing ‘line’ in avcodec-51.dll (mpa_decode_header).
To Christiaan: Apricot doesn’t use blenderplayer.exe at all. It is not based on the Blender Game Engine.
hahah That was sweet. Cheers to the person who did that. =D
Thus proving the superiority of Cake over Pie.
Cool Plumiferos T-shirt, Venom! 😉
CAKE!! Is THAT your goal in life, Emo? CAKE?!
Whoops sorry, wrong project..
I should have guessed that Ton would keep you all locked up instead of letting you go out to celebrate Liberation day 😉 .
I hope this action (and fan -actions that will follow) will keep your spirits up during the work ahead.
I think only the mistery fan knows what the message on the card was.
And if they would really test her or him (s)he will know the propper name of the apricot pie that was delivered.
oh, and remember… the ASB
the cake is a lie….
the cake is a lie….
the cake is a lie….
oops, sorry Anonymous, didn’t see that there. Oh well, someone had to call it.
Hmm…. Next time, some one will probably make you a Durian Cake.
will the project still be going on in October..? I might be in Amsterdam briefly.. would be cool to pop in.. I would bring cake.. I swear 😉
To jorrit: I am still not sure if I am going to let the Blender Game Engine or Crystal Space run my game. Crystal Space is capable to do more ‘last-gen’ than Blender but I am used to the Blender Game Engine. And for now I won’t be able to test the new functions of b2cs (SVN thingy) because it seems like scripts are disabled in RC4.
That’s real nice looking cake.
How cool is this comunity to donate food to the starved and hungry developers.
Wish they did that at my office.
The most we get are stale sandwitches when customers visit, after their dinner.
They propbably picked up the sandwich with their dirty fingers and sneered at it, put it back. 🙁
Anyhow, nice cake.
If someone mailed me a cake i wouldn’t eat it! For all you know it could be fattening!
@Jorrit: Blender to Crystal rules! Thank you very much for your efforts.
(I use the Blender Game Engine since version 2.25 BTW).
I hope someone send a cake for you. (You are not in Amsterdam at the moment… right 😕
What is your favorite cake? 🙂
Will someone please tell Campbell that he needs a haircut.
Wow. So much eye-candy.. the cake reminded me of it… and i sure hope the bloom will be configurable ingame… i wanna set it to 150px!
First time I’ve seen Ton smile, I think 🙂
I would have made a pun about asking for more “eye-cake” but “eye-PIE” sounds so much better! 😉
so what have you guys been making.. no dev posts in a while..??
Ton looks like he is about to eat that whole thing 🙂
too hot to post in amsterdam, you must all be sitting on the nearby cafe terrace drinking beer : )
Hey venomgfx… it seems you will still be “El Panza” for a while…
Greetings from GiGi :D.
Bmud, because you seem to like Pie more than Cake, we of the Cake Constitution have decided that you are a terrorist!
I hope the sugar from that cake fueled an intense development period, and that we’re going to get a blog posting about it soon 🙂
Just a quick question – with the imminent release of 2.46 ( Peach ), there was talk of 2.5 being developed and finished before Apricot ( so that, if a version of Blender shipped on the Apricot CD, it would be 2.5, rather than eg 2.47 ).
Is this still the case? I can see where the extensive proposed configurability of 2.5 would really work out well in a game development scenario.
creative commons liscence + open source + Cake * Blender = Awsome stuff! cake serves as a work-in-progress jobe well done!
Sorry but i’m awfully impatient. Want some newwwsss. Can’t wait to see how’s the development by now. And i’m not the only one… so.. c’mon lads… please???
we are on it! we want to have something *real* to show you and no more test levels (the little level you see in the screenshots from shadows and hdr post, is a test prototype), the good new is that we already have a level!
and why do i say this in a comment and not in a blogpost? because there is one coming this week!, there is a nice eyecandy addition we are waiting for, stay tunned!
Hi Vemongfx,
That sounds great – I’m looking forward to seeing the new blog post!
ooooooooh, venomgfx promised us candy after eating the cake.
More cake==more candy?
Calling the multivlaai hotline for a delivery right now.
I forgot to mention in the earier post – while people will enjoy viewing a blog posting about large jump in development, a lot of people would probably have preferred to see smaller postings showing how the game level got from the previous posting stage to the current stage ( ie warts and all ) in order to get more of a feel of the development.
Unlike the movie ( which focuses on the story and has to be kept fairly secret, as the fun is in the viewing ), showing WIP game levels isn’t going to really spoil anything, as the fun is in the playing ( and repeat playing ).
Just a thought of someone who bought the Apricot DVD, and who has a great interest in its development – maybe the Peach team have different thoughts on it of course, which is cool 🙂
Mal, you are right. More smaller updates are better when dealing with a game. You can better grasp the development of the whole project.
But more updates means less time spent on development.
So i have faith in a well build game with multiplayermode and an apricot shooting bazooka so you can frag your mates with during a LAN party (wich would be a GREAT advertisement for this game)
Hey Guy’s as long as you keep up the hard work.
We’ve ordered the Peach DVD. We also would later order the Appricot (Cake – LOL) game. At the 3D Animation Network – The Club we will surlky use it as part of skills development.
Would like to see some prieviews on how the project is comming on.
Willem Verwey
you’re both right.
tonight before going home i will make sure to have something posted, maybe not the level but another stuff like characters or animations, till we can write about the new features or the big post about our level and gameplay we’ve been developing the last weeks. Big changes in gameplay!
so tonight (this means somewhere between dinner and 6am 🙂 you may see some movement, at least a tiny bit, but movement!
we want post! we want post! we want post!!! jejeje.. i’m impacient! 15 days without news! 🙁
The mortals want updates! I have plenty of time.