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Feb 27

Gameplay prototype

icon1 margreet | icon2 Apricot Press, Blogroll, Development, Production | icon4 02 27th, 2008

Meanwhile the team is working hard to create a gameplay prototype. So far, so good 🙂 Check it out yourself!  

 .ogg file available here.

24 Responses

  1. ragingmon on

    wow! Looking good! I wanna try it out, hehe. ^_^

  2. nate on

    so far so good.

  3. Luiz on

    That is a great start, gentlemen. =]

  4. rexprime on

    wow they seem to be going really fast

  5. Cyberdigitus on

    nice to see prototyping so early on. and the artists seem pretty productive too.

    keep up the great work!

    I suppose you will be able to eat the mushrooms for some extra psychedelic visual fx right 🙂

  6. Alex on

    Very impressive…:D

  7. dusty on

    If this was the early 90’s, that would be an impressive game! LOL

    Anyhow, I am impressed with your progress! Keep it up!

  8. Mal on

    Nice work for such an early prototype – Keep up the great work, and the frequent team blogging!

  9. Christiaan Bakker(AniCator) on

    The cameraman sounds a bit like Antonio Banderas. 😛

  10. jwir3 on

    Great work guys! Those models look awesome. I’m excited to try the game out!

  11. Clint on

    So far so good! I like the low poly foliage — those are the sort of reusable assets that I think can benefit the open-source game community. The bunny model looks good too — I’m glad to see such a high poly model be worked down to an effective framerate for the game. Keep up the good work, I’m impressed to see so much so quickly! Looking forward to my DVD. 🙂

  12. Brandano on

    If you guys get a little free time, you MUST try two games: Portal (I know, seen already, just try it ok?) and Psychonauts. they pretty much sum up what a 3D platformer/action/puzzler should be! And they are fun, which isn’t to be sneered at.

  13. Francisco Ortiz on

    Two very nice examples by Brandano! Absolutely agree! Psychonauts because of that crazy level design and Portal because of gameplay…

    I would like to know which tecnic you guys are using to make the low poly versions for Apricot… Are those exactly the same assets from Peach with a lower resolution or…?

    Thank you.

  14. darek on

    Psychonauts was one of the reviewed game in the beginning. I’ll take a look on Portal, thanks.

    Only few models are reused from Peach, most models are new.

  15. epat on

    Looks good! Have you considered stuff like getting the characters to actually be trooping through VERY long grass in parts of the game? e.g. The bit at the bottom of the world before you jump onto any platforms! If you kept the camera angle down really down and looking up at the bunny in those parts it would add an interesting element of exploration to find the jumps to get up onto higher ground! *imagine real bunnies lost in very long grass!* The grass could get trodden down over time too perhaps – though it might call for a rather complex shader?… :/

    ~epat. 🙂

  16. askaninja on

    looks pretty crappy to me

  17. Bmud on

    Are there plans to use any LOD-ing in the Apricot project? Something tells me that lots of alpha textures for trees, bushes, and grass will really eat up some peoples’ graphics cards. But don’t worry too much about the low end PCs – keep thinking forward! 😀

  18. darek on

    remember guys in “working” prototype that objects are dummy for a moment 🙂

  19. MrE on

    Please, and mean pretty please! let there be a bazooka in this game that shoots apricots. Doesn’t have to be directly in the game, could be a cheatcode add-on, but let it be in there. Just…

    Or maybe for a/the Multiplayer option (ever played Serious Sam in MP on hippiemode? then you know what i mean)

    Bazooka shooting apricots (i’ll even model the bazooka for you if you want)!

  20. NathanKP on

    Wow, this project is coming along much faster than I expected. Looking at the detail you have planned, I just hope my computer will run the game….

    NathanKP – The Ink Weaver Collection – Writing Showcase Blog

  21. the frenchy on

    it have create an other system of gameplay whitch i would like to send to you.
    it’s a system more easy to play, like mario sunshine, and other moderns games.
    please contact me, I shall be very honored to participate to peach project.
    merci et bonne chance pour le projet peach

  22. Ben on

    Yeah, the design reminds me a little bit of Super Mario 64 – one of the greatest jump’n runs ever!

  23. Cattiusha on

    I wish that you have finished this game as soon as is possible.

  24. Ubuntu on

    You guys using ubuntu?