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Jul 4

A random day in the studio

icon1 margreet | icon2 Apricot Press, Blogroll, Crystal Space, Production | icon4 07 4th, 2008

Res making Franky on water.

Download the OGG Video (44 meg)
Venom showing his piranha level he made.

Download the OGG Video (22 meg)

Dariusz giving a short demo of Apricot powered by Crystal Space, coming soon!

34 Responses

  1. d on

    very nice work on the water shader, the implementation looks well done

  2. jonny on

    The download links are broken. You put the -Tag into the -Tag, …


  3. Mataii on

    Wow! that video demonstrations looks good 🙂

  4. Thomas on

    There is an error in jour ogg links, the at the end should be removed

  5. Thomas on

    the -tag

  6. Martin Walch on

    The breakline tag. 🙂

    maybe it is not filtered when using html entities…

    <br />

  7. Mataii on

    Wow..! I’ve just seen both videos, the piranha level looks so fun to play! well done Venom! 😉

    And Res, that shader test looks very very good! :O nice features, congrats 😉

  8. RH2 on

    I like the water effects, realtime reflections have been something I have wished to have in the past.

  9. jonny on

    the water is really, really nice.

  10. lumpycow on

    Looks cool… does the constant flying up and down get annoying as the flying doesn’t seem very smooth?

  11. Theq on

    What monitors are you using?

  12. venomgfx on

    @lumpycow: not at all! actually that’s the fun part of it, it is tricky to get to control well, once you master the gliding the world is all yours! 🙂 you feel like the level is small, and it is! that’s why you have to make your own levels, it’s open source ! 😀

    @Theq, i’m using x2 24″ Eizo FlexScan S2431W, and i think Frank is using one 24″ and one 20″

  13. Blendiac on

    The flying looks awesome fun! It so reminds me of the tail in Super Mario Brothers 3.

    It was a bit of a tease though telling us this is “The Pirhana Level” and then not showing any pirhana’s, or did I miss something?

  14. Thomas on

    I saw some 2D piranha’s 😛

  15. campbell on

    Gliding is not supposed to be so much like flying, but the artists like this to move about the levels.
    Must limited duration, and never get higher then when you started, since their not testing the levels properly. Maybe we’ll keep it as a cheat 😉

  16. BlenderLovingSquirrel on

    I think his flying looks super fun.

    And for those of you who think his flying should be changed, hope for a patch, oh wait a minute, no, this is open source. You dont’ have to wait on a patch you can just change it yourself =)

  17. chuzzy on

    this game looks wicked fun to play and develop :). More random days please!!

  18. apoclypse on

    I have a question about the first video. I’m assuming that the first video is using cs to display, I noticed that the fuzzy outline effect you see in the Blender game engine vids is not present in the CS level. This is no the first time I’ve seen this in the vids showacasing the cs engine. I rather like the facing ration affect I think it makes everything look nice and cartoony like Super Mario Galaxy, I think you guys should definitely think about putting this effect in the cs version of the game as well. If anything it makes everything look a little more pleasing, imo, not that things don’t look great so far.

  19. Cyberdigitus on

    will there be a simple portal occluding system for cs and bge to allow bigger levels?

    a simple system would be enough. when a – mannualy placed – portal object is in view an area with all it’s objects is loaded/drawn, otherwise not

    this or some kind of occluders

    keep up the great work!

  20. Cyberdigitus on

    oh, and where are the particle effects, this screams for particles! 🙂

  21. SamCameron on

    I agree, particles would be a nice feature, but after all the most important is the performance, I would preffer a nice performance over all the nice features.

  22. Francisco Ortiz on

    Dude i love “inside the studio” reports! Hurray!!! For the happy Blender Institute!!!

  23. Trey Bowen on

    Hey I download the video of the demo but there is no sound..

  24. jorrit on

    To Cyberdigitus: Crystal Space has had a portal occlusion system since it was created 11 years ago.

  25. ray on

    what the hell: there is no value wathing this video as there is nothing to see – until 3:00. then finally there is some action. also the interview style sucks: showing a programmer talk, instead filming the screen having him comment is bad. the whole idea behind an interview is to compress information and make it understandable. and what about the mumbling programmer, please let him alone! he is not a talker, and his developing standards are the “i just started and then it like was there” method. very bad. the finale is great: a nice cutoff on the end.

  26. Alexander Ewering on

    ray: While I think that your post is slightly black-and-white, I must say that I had the same feeling about the programmer – he really fits the “programming guy” stereotype really well 🙂

    But hey, I fit the “unpredictable maniac” stereotype, so that’s probably worse 🙂

  27. ClintClintClint on

    Great update, and very cool demonstrations! You guys are doing great work — I can’t wait for the DVD! 🙂

  28. Daniël on

    The water looks a little bit white right now, but overall it looks very cool.

  29. SamCameron on

    please, we need this actuator:

  30. Samuel on

    Looks great, but i thought of one thing! shouldn’t the water slow franky’s movement down a little bit?

  31. William Santacruz on


    de verdad que me sorprende la capacidad que tiene el motor de juegos de blender, no tengo palabras!… esto nos entusiama muchisimo y se que vendran grandes avances para el game engine.

    Perdon por el mal ingles::

    really surprises me the ability of the engine blender games, I have no words! … This much enthusiasm and we will come great strides for the game engine.

  32. jorrit on

    To William: what you are seeing here is not the blender game engine but Crystal Space.

  33. venomgfx on

    to jorrit: first video is CS, second video is me playing in BGE. 🙂

  34. slydogg94 on

    hey frankie, how did you get realtime reflection in blender?